SteroScope Sterilization Technology
• Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Plasma sterilizer designed specifically for the terminal sterilization of flexible endoscopes
• Incorporates a proprietary vapor diffusion technology to direct vaporized hydrogen peroxide into the internal lumen channels of an endoscope
• Creates a pressure differential in each internal endoscope channel to rapidly diffuse peroxide to sterilize all endoscope channels
• Achieves the required peroxide efficacy concentration in all internal endoscope channels (up to 4 meters) in < 1 secs
• Uses lower overall concentration of H2O2 with shorter exposure times, thereby eliminating potential damage to the endoscope (~4X less than existing VHP sterilizers)
• Incorporates a proprietary sterilization container that interfaces with the sterilizer during the sterilization process and facilitates sterile storage (6 months) of the endoscope after processing
• Incorporates a proprietary single-use channel connector that allows sterilization of channel port mated-surface
• Based on our initial testing, we were able to sterilize an Olympus duodenoscope 125 times with no damage to the device
Not yet for commercialization. If you would like to stay informed, please fill out the form below.
SteroScope Flexible Endoscope Claims
510(k) Cleared
• SAL 10-6
• 43 min. cycle time for terminal sterilization (27min pre-con + 16min cycle)
• Devices with 0 to 8 internal lumen channels
• (1.0 mm ID or larger x 3580 mm) and (1.2 mm ID or larger x 4095 mm)
• Sterile storage of device in container – 6 months